Tiagong he's good friends with Lawrence Wong.
And of course you pick your buddy to cover your ka chng lah.
Besides that, here's 3 reasons why we think Ng Chee Meng will be the next DPM:
Can win votes from employers
He is the NTUC union leader, and busy supporting employers by delaying retirement age.
Going to run in a PAP stronghold
According to this ST article, he's likely not to contest in Sengkang again, where PAP lost to WP previously.
So much for his "plans to do better".
Fervent supporter of "Uncle Loong"
We also broke down in tears listening to his speech. So touching.
In the end, PAP's cabinet choices cannot be stopped because they have too many seats. So like it or not, Singaporeans will have to continue to live with their choices.