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4G team will revitalize the social compact and create a 'Forward Singapore' agenda


Photo: NTUC

The People's Action Party's (PAP) 4G team will lead an initiative to renew Singapore's social compact, involving stakeholders in discussions on what the Government has done well and how it may improve its service to the public in many sectors.

Lawrence Wong, the newly designated 4G leader, announced this on Sunday (May 1) while addressing to unions at Downtown East and those attending the hybrid May Day Rally electronically.

"We will assess what needs to be changed, but we will also reinforce what is working well and how it can be improved," said Mr Wong, who is also the Finance Minister.

"We will involve stakeholders from all sectors - labor unions, the general public, and the commercial sector," he continued. "We're interested in hearing your perspectives on the economy, healthcare, housing, and education, among other topics."

A social compact is an unspoken agreement between the government and the people on their respective duties and responsibilities.

He said that while numerous measures to help employees were included in this year's Budget, there is still "much more to be done."

"Covid-19 and the Ukraine war are key moments in history, ushering us into a new and different era," he explained.

"We also have new generations of Singaporeans maturing, each with their own set of hopes and expectations, including a desire for more diversity and a stronger system of checks and balances."

This requires the Government to take a "broader view of our objectives and priorities" and consider how it wishes to renew and strengthen the social compact collectively in order to "define our mission of building Singapore for the next generation."

Mr Wong stated that the objective is to create a "Forward Singapore" agenda that would lay out the path forward for the next decade and beyond.

"This will be a significant task for the 4G team, and we will announce the formal commencement of this exercise shortly," Mr Wong added.

PAP cadres endorse Lawrence Wong's appointment as PM successor, stating that he has earned their confidence and support via his handling of Covid-19.

"To be clear, this is not only about what the government can do for you; it is also about what we can all do for one another and how we can all work together to build a better society that symbolizes the ideals we stand for."

Ng Chee Meng, secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), concurred with this action, stating during his rally address that the NTUC had formed a "deep-rooted contract" with workers over the previous 60 years.

However, new difficulties are arising, including global security concerns and geopolitical rivalry, as well as growing costs of living and an aging workforce on the home front.

"We must be aware of these critical concerns, analyze their implications, and collaborate with tripartite partners on a path forward."

In Singapore, tripartism refers to collaboration between unions, employers, and the government.

Mr Ng said that regardless of the world's political or socioeconomic condition, the NTUC and its unions must remain focused on their basic mission of advancing workers' interests.

"We must do more and better to understand workers' challenges and to engage with current and future generations of employees across all sectors of the labor market," he added. "We must innovate to renew and deepen our workers' compact, so that the NTUC can continue to safeguard and advance workers."

Mr Wong stated in his address that progressive social and economic policies have the potential to "uplift everyone," regardless of ethnicity, language, religion, or socioeconomic status.

He continued by stating that his own life exemplifies this.

He explained that he was raised in a middle-class family in Marine Parade and attended a PAP Community Foundation Kindergarten, Haig Boys' Primary School, Tanjong Katong Secondary School, and finally Victoria Junior College — all of which were close to his house.

"Remember when (Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat) said a decade ago that 'every school is an excellent school'... That was not only a slogan for me; it was a real experience, he said.

"Consequently, I can attest from personal experience that we must continue to guarantee that every school stays an excellent school, since I have personally witnessed the advantages of inclusion and equal opportunity."

With the backing of the Cabinet and the party caucus, Lawrence Wong declares that assembling a 4G team to manage Singapore is a priority.

He continued by stating that Singapore's pioneers enabled his generation to outperform their parents.

"Similarly, my 4G team and I want to assure the same thing for the future generation," he stated.

"We want those who follow us to benefit from inclusivity, opportunity, and a broader range of avenues to success and fulfillment."


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