What's happening for the inauguration? It's likely going to be even more perfunctory and boring than the presidential broadcasts and forum, which were only lukewarm at best. It's so unremarkable that even PMO barely acknowledged it back in 2017 for Halimah's inauguration, with a one-liner update the day before.
For Halimah, she was given a tour of the Istana on the morning of her inauguration. She was sworn in accompanied by PM Lee Hsien Loong and Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon. This year, there's no change to the rest of the line-up, i.e. the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice.
Speeches were made by Madam President and PM Lee. In summary, expect more of the usual praises and support from PM Lee, and a repeat of whatever was said during Tharman's campaigning.
Luckily to make things interesting, we've created a Bingo card to help you hang on to every word of Tharman's inauguration speech. Enjoy.
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