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Joseph Schooling admits to taking drugs

Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) said on Tuesday that Singapore swimmer Joseph Schooling admitted to taking cannabis overseas in May, while he was on short-term disruption from full-time National Service (NS) to prepare and compete in the SEA Games.

Due to his abuse of disruption privileges, MINDEF has informed Schooling that he is no longer eligible for leave or disruption to train or compete while serving..

In addition, a formal letter of reprimand has been sent to Schooling, notifying him of the severe implications of drug addiction for all Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) soldiers.

According to policy, Schooling will be subjected to a six-month urine testing regimen under supervision. According to MINDEF, all members of the SAF who test positive under this regime would be prosecuted and punished appropriately.

As Schooling is a full-time national serviceman, the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) has ended its investigation and transferred case management to the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

Schooling's urine tests for restricted substances were negative, although he admitted to using cannabis while abroad in May.

"The SAF has a stringent zero-tolerance policy regarding substance usage. Those who test positive for substance misuse will be prosecuted and transferred to the SAF Detention Barracks" MINDEF stated.

As part of the therapy and rehabilitation process, anyone accused or admitting to drug abuse will be subjected to a urine testing regimen monitored by the SAF.


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