The Singapore police are investigating a Telegram chat group that reportedly posted photos and videos of Asian women and girls, including Singaporeans, in revealing attire and compromising positions that had been altered.
"SG Girls@SGWikiLeaks" is a chat group attended by more than 8,800 participants.
The police informed Yahoo News Singapore on Thursday (16 February) that reports had been filed and that investigations were ongoing.
Yahoo News Singapore discovered that according to the chat group's information, @SGWikiLeaks appears to run more than ten channels.
There are between 4,000 and 22,000 members in various chat groups. The primary channel, "Local SG Leaks@SGWikiLeaks," has nearly 19,000 members.
Links to former Telegram groups
According to the Straits Times, the organization has ties to prior Telegram groups that circulated similar content.
Four men were arrested in 2019 for uploading pornographic images and videos on the now-defunct Telegram group "SG Nasi Lemak." The men, aged 17 to 37, were subsequently sentenced to prison or probation.
According to the police, it is unlawful under the Penal Code to transmit obscene content electronically.
"Members of the public may choose to file a police report if they become aware of such activity," police stated.
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