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S'porean influencer faces criticism for exploiting 'hack' to obtain more ice cream from IKEA


Local influencer Jason Soo faced backlash following the release of a video in which he and his family utilized a trick to obtain additional ice cream from an IKEA machine.

On May 17, Soo shared the video on his Instagram account, featuring his daughter purchasing a S$0.50 soya ice cream at IKEA. In the footage, just as the machine was about to dispense the ice cream onto the cone, his daughter lifted the cone from the handle.

Soo accompanied the video with a caption explaining that this technique served as a means to "acquire more ice cream for the same price." He further elaborated that lifting the ice cream cone from the handle prevented the machine from registering its weight, thereby resulting in a greater amount of ice cream being dispensed.

Evidently, the hack proved successful, as the machine distributed a larger quantity of ice cream onto the cone. However, this incident attracted criticism and negative feedback for Soo due to the perception that he was promoting a dishonest act.

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