Amran Abdul Sattar, a Singaporean divorcee who moved to Indonesia to start a new life, was sentenced to 22 weeks' jail on Thursday after he pleaded guilty to eight charges under the Immigration Act. Amran had overstayed in Indonesia and assumed a different identity, obtaining two Indonesian passports under the name "Indra Shahdan" to travel to Singapore multiple times between 2007 and 2016.
He had lost his Singapore passport after overstaying in Indonesia and did not seek help from authorities to avoid arrest. Court documents did not disclose details about "Indra Shahdan" or how Amran obtained the false identity.
He used the first passport in 2007 and 2008, and paid 350,000 rupiah for the second passport in 2016. Amran claimed that he had the necessary documents for the second passport, including an Indonesian identity card and a marriage certificate. He produced the second passport to an unsuspecting immigration officer in 2016, claiming to be "Indra Shahdan," and was granted a 30-day visit pass. The authorities later arrested him in March 2023.
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