For a few weeks, Malaysians have been endlessly poking fun at Singaporeans for not showering in the morning. Coining the term "Mandilah Singapura" (translated to Shower la, Singapore), various online personalities have taken Singaporeans to task for bad hygiene.
TikTok user @mianbaobreadpan first called out Chinese Singaporeans for not showering in the morning before leaving their houses. She directed this remark at the groups of millenial and Gen-z men who are guilty of such behaviour.
Singapore is a clean and green city, are there good reasons why people insist on not showering before leaving the house in the morning?
Singaporeans take better care of our skin than Malaysians.
TikTok user @xinderellah begged others to let her have her beauty sleep as her eye bags were dark. She claims that she prioritise sleep over her hygiene as it is part of her skincare routine.
Singaporeans can afford aircon.
Since Singaporeans can afford aircon while they sleep, they feel they do not need the shower in the morning as they shower right before bed.

Singaporeans have weak immunity.
Some Singaporeans avoid taking a shower in the morning as it triggers their sinusitis. They claim that washing your face in the morning is enough to keep clean.

What are other reasons to not shower in the morning? To be fair, any reasons Singaporeans come up with to justify our morning habits, Malaysians will always find a way to put us down. They are free to poke fun of us, if it makes them feel better.
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