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SMU Survey: 56.3% of Singaporeans don't travel will die

Playful Otter

SMU recently surveyed about 4,000 people, asking what is essential for life in Singapore. Here are some of the more interesting results.

Percentage refers to the number of respondents who felt the item is essential.

Singaporeans don't travel will die

56.3% felt that an annual SEA vacation was an essential.

At least the top 3 makes sense

But ah, who is the 0.5% who say refrigerator not necessary?!

Internet important?

More people think that phone is more important than computer in this day and age.

All work, no play

Among the leisure options, "free time" was deemed the highest. Were you surprised?

Aircon not a must?!

And the biggest surprise of all, only 63.6% thought that air-con was an essential.

That's lower than dining table and chairs (95.3%), booking of taxi/private-hire car (84.1%), and bedframe (83.8%).

Honestly, we'd rather have no dining table, Grab, or bedframe rather than no aircon.

How about you?


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